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Email Copywriting: 3. Proven Formulas to Use on Your Next Campaign

When you improve your email copywriting skills it takes you to a whole new level. It helps you stay connected with your customer and that builds a relationship between your and the customer.

You could either write your own email marketing campaign or you could hire someone to do it for you. Either way, you need to know the basic to determine whether a coy is good or bad.

What is Email Copywriting?

Email copywriting is actually a copy send through email. The subject line of an email is what you express your ideas. Its a basic copywriting but in the form of an email.

The best email copy is when the reader engages from start to the end and clicking your CTA (call to action.) 

How to write Email Copy?                        

When you write your email, you must have a specific goal in mind. What do you want your subscribers to do after reading your email? You could have a link to promote your product or you could simply explain to them why is this product so good and how they can benefit using your product.

Your end goal is to drive your subscribers to fulfil your goal.

5 Amazing email copywriting tips to increase your conversion rate.

1. Relate to your reader in all your marketing copy.

Nobody likes an email automation message. Show your subscribers how you feel for them.
Hitting their pain points is a greater way to this.

For example, let's say your selling skincare product, tell your subscriber how you feel when you have a pimple on your face and you have to attend a party. Educate them on how they can have a healthy skin routine so that they won't have a pimple or rashes on their face.
The best way is to put yourself in their situation, be empathic to your subscriber.

Here is a pictorial example.

2. Make sure you're delivering your promise on your email copy.

Do not fake anything written on your email. Because if you do you will lose subscribers and eventually no one will buy your product. Be authentic and transparent to your customers.

3. Choose your words carefully while writing your email copy.

Make sure you use the proper words because that could lead a person a buyer or to unsubscribe from your email listing.
Here are a few words that you could use.
  • You
  • Free
  • Because
  • Help
  • Now
Make sure you check out my in-depth study on copywriting blog post that would give you a better understanding.


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